Opening Up Rooms Using Columns, Half Walls, and Beams

Columns, half walls, and beams are nice architectural additions to any home. But they can improve more than just your home’s aesthetics. Using Columns can also create spaces that you never knew were right there all along. Here are some ways on how you can open up rooms using half walls, columns, and beams.

Using Columns and Half Walls Divide Rooms Beautifully

A half wall, also called a knee wall, is the better choice if you need to divide a relatively small room. Half walls divide spaces without closing them in. These walls effectively separate spaces without losing up the room’s bright and open feeling. They are perfect for dividing living rooms and dining rooms, entertainment areas and home gyms, and bedrooms and home office spaces. Often, half walls are also combined with columns to achieve the most aesthetic effect.

Install custom seating around columns

Do you want to add seating areas in your room but columns are in the way? That shouldn’t be a problem. Simply build a seat around the column. Hire someone to make that customized furniture for you. Then use upholstery that matches the look and feel of the room. This idea is perfect for living rooms and patios.

Beams can give spaces an illusion of division

Installing beams on the ceiling and adding lighting fixture to them can make the room look divided, even if there are no physical walls. This technique is recommended if the room is so small even a half wall can create a closed in feel. You can also hang something from the beams to full create the desired look.

Create cubby holes and storage spaces behind half walls or columns

If there is any irregular space sitting idle in your home or room, turn it into something useful. Anybody can use an extra storage space. So consider fitting a cabinet in them. A good interior designer can review your home and give you great suggestions on how to get this done. You may also apply the creative ideas you see in popular home design magazines.

Maximize the use of the attic

You can build full-height shelves or cabinets in your attic, which you can also use as precious storage spaces. Don’t be afraid to build cabinets through the triangular beams of the ceiling. You might need a ladder to access that area though. It will be the perfect storage for items that you don’t always need, like suitcases and seasonal home decors. Just consider general safety when building high cabinets.

Grids, columns, and rows add beauty to homes

There’s natural beauty in repetition. If you’re looking for a unique design for your home, consider using columns by stacking them together to achieve that beautiful, natural rhythm. This is perfect in corridors where long straightaways meet columns and beams.

These tips will make your home appear larger and more organized. Apply them to your space and enjoy the effect.

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